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Tuesday 25 March 2025  

Minister presented with a copy of Lia Fáil


On Wednesday 29 May, 2013, the Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning presented a copy of the facsimile reproduction of Lia Fáil Minister Ruarí Quinn Presented with a copy of Lia FáilIrisleabhar Gaeilge Ollscoil na hÉireann to the Minister for Education and Skills, Mr Ruairí Quinn, TD.  This is a reproduction in one volume of a four-part journal of modern Irish studies edited by Douglas Hyde when Professor of Irish in UCD and originally published by the NUI between 1923 and 1925. The Minister welcomed the publication as a contribution to Irish scholarship.

In the photograph, left to right, the editor of the volume, Professor Liam Mac Mathúna with Minister Ruairí Quinn and NUI Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning.





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